Sunday, May 2, 2010


selepas sekian lama meninggalkan blog ni bersawang
tanpa sebarang cerita
saya cuba curi sedikit masa
utk bgtaw yg saya akn exam esok dan lusa!

x bersedia?

org bleh kata..
"ni baru exam dunia..belum exam akhirat"

bagaimana pula dengan exam harian kita?
malaikat kiri kanan yg mencatat segala amalan
24/7 tanpa henti
tanpa jemu!
x terhitung...

ALLAH knows what is best for us
So why should we complain
We always want the sunshine
But He knows there must be rain.

We always want laughter
and the merriment of cheer
but our heart will lose
their tenderness
If we never shed a tear.

ALLAH tests us often
with suffering and sorrow
He tests us not to punish us
but to help us meet tomorrow.

For growing trees are strenghtened
if they can withstand the storm
and the sharpness of the chisel
gave the marble its grace and form.

ALLAH tests us often
and for every pain
He gives us
provided we are patient
Is followed by rich gain
So whenever we feel that
everything is going wrong
It is just ALLAH'S way to make our spirit strong.

doakan yang terbaik utk saya.
semoga rahmatNYA sentiasa bersama.

"Wahai Tuhanku, kurniakanlah aku fahaman nabi-nabi dan hafalan para rasul serta mendapat ilham dari para malaikat yang hampir denganMu, juga kurniakanlah aku kesihatan Wahai Tuhan Yang Amat Pengasih"

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